Finals Week at RHS
In the remaining weeks of the 2020-2021 school year students at RHS are beginning to prepare for finals week- a week of many exams, studying, and even excitement due to summer break nearing. However, many students are unable to enjoy the good weather until the hectic finals week has come to a close. For most Sophomores, this is the first actual year of finals, due to the CoronaVirus pandemic and distance learning.
“I feel a bit rushed since the year seems short due to almost half being on Zoom. Finals feel almost surreal that we have gotten this far and that is amazing as it is. I would say I’m as prepared as I can be, but some review classes would be an easy way for teachers to help students study,” stated Sophomore Lauren Martini.
For Freshmen this year, the stress level may seem overwhelming due to this week being completely new, and not knowing what to expect, whether it be good, bad, or both. Although this year feels extremely stressful, some teachers have been able to lessen the load on student’s shoulders.
“Personally, I am prepared for the most part and feel confident enough to earn a decent grade on the finals, but there are a few things I need to work on and study more…but for the most part I am ready for even more so that the teachers have been and continue to be lenient and help out with what us students need it with,” Stated Freshman Brenda Gonzalez.
Although exams may seem impossible, there are some recommendations to be made from one student to another.
“ (…)My recommendation for studying would be to use your parents/friends/siblings as a study tool. Use flashcards, study those for a while, and have them quiz you on the content. I also find it helpful to take online practice tests and quizzes that other people have made on the content you are studying (…)” Stated Sophomore Ezra Camacho.
Finals week may seem impossible, but with the right study tools, habits, and with the teacher’s help, it can be a task we all accomplish. Keep pushing through these next few hectic weeks to enjoy a nice and relaxing summer. The hard work and determination will all be worth it in the end.

Haven Gutierrez is a Senior at Ripon High school. This is her fourth year in journalism, and she is excited to consistently improve her writing skills...