Ripon High’s Schedule Change?

“ripon, ca” by neverfeltbetter is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 2.0
On account of this year’s academic course at Ripon High constantly adjusting under Covid-19, the district has created a new, distinct schedule for students and staff when taking classes on campus. This new block schedule has been enforced to reassure the safety of students, however, do the students attending Ripon High genuinely agree with this modification and it’s “benefits?”
The block schedule Ripon High has implemented consists of the average three to four classes a day instead of seven. Although, each class consists of a longer duration, 90 minutes on average per period. Even and odd class periods rotate each day, giving students either an early or late dismissal each day.
“I like the new schedule because the classes I’m taking are really nice to have a longer period on, to get class work done and have less homework at the end of the day…” Cassidy Morton, a junior at Ripon High, states.
“I think it will take some getting used to and some tweaking for it, but I personally like it. I’d like to continue the block schedule because it gives students more time for homework or better work time for tests and quizzes,” Jacob Curless, a senior at Ripon High, states.
Comparing the different effects the block schedule has brought on different campuses, it leaves people wondering if this new schedule change will have the same positive impact at Ripon High. Is it actually beneficial in the way the district thinks it may be?
Although Covid-19 has put students on a temporary social distance routine, the unexpected will always come, to maybe do us some good in the next couple months. With all that’s going on at the moment, maybe 2021 will act as a fresh start to many, encouraging education among students.
“In the future I would like to keep the block schedule,” Morton states.

Diana Diaz Aguirre is a sophomore attending Ripon High. She's an ongoing soccer player and always strives to be the best version of herself. Her favorite...